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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Top Masturbation story of the week

I wonder why this story featured top in “Digg” this week along with another story second top about Mick Jagger’s daughter, Elizabeth, going naked for the cover of ‘Play Boy’.



BRAZIL, May 11, 2011.- A woman aged 36 was enabled by the justice to masturbate in her workplace because she has a strange disease.

This is the story of Ana Catarina Bezerra Silvares, an employee of an accounting firm, a divorced mother of three who lives in the village Vila Velha, EspĂ­rito Santo.

The woman suffers from a rare condition known as “compulsion orgasmic”, caused by a chemical alteration in the brain region of the cortex, which leads her to masturbate several times a day to relieve the deep anguish that it causes.

Under this circumstance, Bezerra started legal proceedings with the company where she works that eventually won and that enables to masturbate for 15 minutes every two hours, besides using the computer to see erotic images that stimulate her desire.

The Brazilian newspaper North Regiao reported that the woman confessed, “There was a day I had to masturbate 47 times”, adding: “I began to suppose that this could not be normal, and decided to seek help.”

Currently, Bezerra follows a treatment that includes a potent cocktail of sedatives which gets her to “only” masturbate 18 times a day

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisa,

    It sure makes the difference to aches and pains.

    After he does his knees just make sure he does not rub his testicle as all old above the age of 3 are apt to do.

    He wont be thanking you for sure as he dances around feeling like his balls are on fire.

    Eqaully distressing is rubbing your eyes, so do take care.

    Good luck to your Dad & congralutations for being.
    well done



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