"Humour for all Occasions" is about friends sharing stories. Please enjoy & get more on "Learning About Business" at Performance Controller.com.

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Humour for all Occcasions

Humour for all occasions was originated from material from Trish Stevens , Bob Sponner and others who have all been sending daily emails to their friends for the last few years.

All have said email was their limit, so I created this blog so others can enjoy their array of fun , intersting and informative stuff . Some makes you laugh and some just makes you think.

The material is not claimed by anyone as original and floats around the web in various forms. It has been reformated and / or edited to fit this site. Due credit is given to various authors whom ever they may be.

Your can suscribe for automtic update to your outlook to get any new stuff as we add it. http://hfao.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default

What a way to go, just set up a blog and you can get published. But as someone said.... "So you've written a hit musical! How will you avoid having fame go to your head? Well my answer is , "Just play the music".

PS. As I have editorial rights there may be some of my own stuff and some of my favourites in here too.

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