Here is a concept car that we are probably too old to drive! NO JOKE!
It is the new Benz Benz SCL600- and is really very different!
so what is so different
Not the fold forward doors. That has been done before so this is not what is different about it.
...looks interesting but not this either
.....this is what is 'really different'
... yes you drive it with a joystick
No steering wheel and No pedals either!
So the influence of Video games in our lives in now clear, wouldn't you say?
But could you drive with a joystick? The scary thought is your kids and grandkids probably can. AND PROBABLY DRIVE IT BETTER THAN YOU!
Plus now a 7-year old could probably steal your car.
Like IPhone is to moving communications is this the ultimate touch technology in cars .
With the steering and the pedals now gone I can imagine the next step is to completely remove the driver.
My GPS control from outer-pace, presently positions me exactly with others around me on the road, It has potential to make even this new joystick technology redundant and probably will before it hits the popular market.
Then we will just get in and say "Drive me home Benzson"
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