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Sunday, March 22, 2015

Plumbers to Note New Government Gazette Definitions of Pipes

Here is a page, I am told came from a 1971 Canberra Royal Commission Report on Building Practices. The final recommendations not acted on by Billy (Big Ears) McMahon as this short lived bumbling Prime Minister, was booted out.

But the findings and this page were resurrected by Tony (The Mad Monk) Abbot, the now incumbent PM. Interestingly Abbot makes Billy look like a statesman.

It is quite amazing that this man is still around, after a litany of about faces on issues and Rasputin style gaffes. This includes one where he knighted Prince Philip, who had already been a Prince and the British King Consort for 60 years.

Trying to demote him from being a royal highness to just a plain sir might be ok with Prince Philip, by trying to one-up the British Queen for an oversight in not already knighting her own husband, really did seem redundant.

Anyway enough faux-pas and history. The page is now a core of a curriculum being used by Registered Training Organizations (RTO) in Australia, and adopted in New Zealand, where being called a Hua at worst a friendly jibe on a rugby field.

The definitions, all look quite simple and easy to me. But to be sure I have not missed anything, I sought advice of some world famous mates.

Robert D Stiletto, a renowned Irish translator, sees this may not hold water.

John L Green, a Robin hood descendant and a former NZ and Western Australian Master plumber, also believes unethical plumbers are funding RTO scams by still charging copper and earthenware prices for plastic pipe.

Others say they would not be sure it is even an original Aussie finding, as judging by the language, it could have been copied from the British.

But take a look for yourself and give your opinion.

1.2.64 Definitions of Pipes per amended Government Gazette 6784A/45297/BZ/a1

  1. All pipes are to be made of a long hole, surrounded by metal copper or plastic, centred around the hole.
  2. All pipes are to be hollow throughout the entire length ‐ do not use holes of different length than the pipe
  3. The ID (Inside Diameter) of all pipe must not exceed their OD (Outside Diameter) ‐ otherwise the hole will be on the outside.
  4. The pipe is supplied with nothing in the hole, so that water, steam or other stuff can be put inside at a later date.
    5. All pipe is to be supplied without rust; this can be more readily applied at the job site. NOTE: Some vendors are now able to supply pre‐rusted pipes. If available in your area, this product is recommended, as it will save a great deal of time at the job site.
  5. All pipe over 150m in length should have the words "LONG PIPE" clearly painted on each side and end, so the contractor will know it's a long pipe.
  6. Pipe over 3000m in length must also have the words "LONG PIPE" painted in the middle so the contractor will not have to walk the entire length of the pipe to determine whether it is a long or short pipe.
  7. All pipe over 1.8m in diameter must have the words "LARGE PIPE" painted on it, so the contractor won't mistake it for a small pipe.
  8. Flanges can be used on pipes. Flanges must have holes for bolts, quite separate from the big holes in the middle.
  9. When ordering 90 or 30 degree elbows, be sure to specify left‐hand or right‐hand, otherwise you will end up going the wrong way.
  10. Be sure to specify to your vendor whether you want level, uphill or downhill pipe. If you use downhill pipe for uphills, the water will flow the wrong way.
  11. All couplings should have either right‐hand or left‐hand threads, but do not mix the threads, otherwise, as the coupling is being screwed on to one pipe, it is being unscrewed from the other.
  12. All pipes shorter than 3mm are very uneconomical in use, requiring many joints. They are generally known as washers.
  13. Joints in pipes for water must be watertight. Those pipes for compressed air, however, need only be airtight.
  14. Lengths of pipes may be welded or soldered together. This method is not recommended for concrete or earthenware pipes.
  15. Other commodities are often confused with pipes. These include; Conduit, Tube, Tunnel, and Drain. Use only genuine pipes

(Yes Jerry, on Item 1 that is the correct spelling, for some, for the word centre. For those who don’t know Jerry, he is a another mate from the US and famous armchair expert, who says the page could not be from the US as they still don’t have metric measurement there yet and unlike Australia they have world class politicians and spell colour more correctly without a “u”.



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